Presentation of new book  “Archaically high-tech. Knowledge-based use of sheep wool” 

On April 18, we presented the newly published book “Archaically high-tech. Knowledge-based use of sheep wool”.

Many thanks to the editors Sander Õun, Diana Tuulik and Svea Aavik and the designer Janika Vesberg, special thanks to Valdek Mikli for the SEM photos and of course to the EKA textile design department led by Piret Valk and Kadi Kibbermann.

The book is written from the position of a textile designer and lecturer, so the book is primarily intended for students, designers, interior architects, but also for anyone interested in understanding the value of wool as a renewable resource, the processes that constantly take place in wool fibre and the functional properties of wool that are the  result of such processes. The aim of the book is to explain in an easily understandalble language what is happening in the wool fiber,  how wool as a material affects the surroundings and allows itself to be affected, in order to increase interest in a wider and more conscious use of wool.

Book is available (both in Estonian and English) in the Estonian Academy of Arts publishing

Neeme Lopp
+372 50 29 286

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